PlayStation a Popular Gaming Console

PS 1 also known as PlayStation 1, a gaming console, was released by Sony Computer Entertainment on December 3, 1995 in Japan and several states in the United States and North American. It became so popular for being versatile and different from any video gaming consoles that the gamers had ever seen before. Remember those outdated consoles that would work fine for a few months .They would never last long, interfering with the gaming experience for breaking down at the end.

PlayStation 1 is a high-quality gaming station that never broke down or stopped working.  To this date, many gamers rave about this console for helping them play the most iconic games such as Silent Hill, Resident Evil, and Dino Crisis. The puzzle oriented gamers entertained gamers by adding more fun to their life and time. If you want to play online games enjoy at Friv Games

Since the last decade, more gaming consoles have emerged and evolved. Among many PlayStation always holds the number one spot and has gained massive popularity. People all over the world love owning PlayStation 2 or any latest version. Sony PlayStation 2 is a diverse console, released in March 1999 as a successor of PS 1. With new features, this six generation gaming console was sold massively all over the world and the company sold approximately 70 million copies after it was released.

Sony PlayStation 2 is said to have beaten down its competitors impressively when it comes to features, performance and graphics.  It stands on the levels of Microsoft’s Xbox and Sega.  Therefore, it is still one of the best gaming consoles along with its successor models such as PlayStations 3 and Ps4 and 5.

Perhaps many people are familiar with the facts as to why PS 2 is the best one among many gaming consoles of the centuries. It stands 1.1 inches tall with a compact shape, a bit different from PS1 and comparably sturdier than it. With the ability to read both CDs and DVDs, PS 2 is just a revolutionary system that can play several games without giving any downtime.

The new PS2 gaming console helps the game players with a supportive system. It allows the game players to play online games such as Madden NFL 2005 and Burnout3 and many more games that are either for single or multi players. The users can play games on PlayStation 2 using an Ethernet port and connecting it with a 56kps modem. Furthermore, the gamers can also make the best of expansion and USB ports as it features IEEE 1494.

Over the years, Sony Computer Entertainment released tons of interactive, entertaining and versatile games for PS 2. However, if you already own a gaming station or console, you would not want to buy another one. Doing it would be like breaking your bank. This is why you would need to use a PS 2 gaming emulator on your system.

If your current system whether it is a laptop, a tablet, a computer station or an android phone can be turned into a virtual PlayStation 2 gaming station by using and configuring the appropriate modules of Sony PS2 emulator on it.

A PS2 Emulator would allow you to play any PS2 game on your system without buying the console at all. You might be wondering if it’s possible. The answer is in affirmative, you can configure a relevant PS 2 game emulator for your system to make it compatible with the respective PS2 Game ROMS.

You’d need to configure a relevant PS2 Emulator to execute the files of PS2 ROMS. In order to play your PS2 game, you first need to make sure your system is ready. PS2 Emulator would execute the files and data of PS2 Game ROMS once they are downloaded.

How to Download PS3 Roms

In order to play your favorite PS3 game on your tablet, computer, mobile phone and laptop , follow the steps mentioned below:

  • Configure PS3 Gaming emulator correctly
  • Pick your PS3 Roms file from our database.
  • Download the PS3 ROMs on your system.
  • Extract the file using WinRAR or .ZIP
  • Enjoy playing your game right away.

If You Want To Update Bios Download PS2 Bios or PS3 Bios . PCSX Bios are difficult to find on offical sites. If you want to update them to support lates games you can download from here PCSX2 Bios